Friday, June 28, 2019

Assignment #16- Whats Your Secret Sauce?

My unique human capital-
1.Making the best out of bad situations. Due to a very emotionally challenging past, I try my best to always see the bright side of things. I do believe that everything happens for a reason, although it might be difficult to believe at first. I encourage others to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
2. My door is always open. Being in the military, I have some experiences that not everyone has shared. Whether we are here at home in Jacksonville or deployed overseas, the military can get lonely. I make myself available to not only listen to others but give the best advice I possibly can in ever situation.
3. Problem Solver. I have a very observant but extrovert personality. If a problem arises, I use the skills I have developed over my lifetime to assist people in solving problems. This goes for any personal matter or work matter alike. I enjoy collaborating with others to come up with a solution.
4. Motivator. I feel that in life, everyone deserves a cheerleader. I feel that thanking someone for a favor or telling them great job on a project really goes a long way. I think that this comes from how encouraging comments personally make me feel. I do believe that positive statements make a big difference in people's daily lives and we don't hear it enough.
5. Willing to help. I've been in a few tough situations in which I had to reach out to another person for help. I always lend a hand where I can and offer to help when available. Everyone can use a good friend!

I believe that the people who know me best are my friends and family from back home in New Jersey. Unfortunately, since I did not have means to record a phone call, I used my best judgment to get the best possible feedback. Instead, I interviewed my co-workers since they are the people I spend the most time with. In the military, we truly are a family. Due to work obligations, I had each person write their responses down and then followed up for clarification or explanations. I have provided their responses below.

The way that I perceive myself and the way others perceive me are surprisingly pretty similar. Most of the feedback that I received from the interviews emphasize my strong leadership skills. As mentioned before, I do try to be there for people and lend a hand. I was happy to hear that my co-workers view that a a leadership role. In addition, my work habits and organizational skills were mentioned. I do pride myself on time management, but I did that on a personal others so its interesting that others pick up on that skill as well. Overall, I was really happy with the feedback I received. I am confident knowing that my co-workers see the best in me and that I have had somewhat of an impact on them. I loved this exercise!


  1. Salena,

    After accidentally reading your 14A post (after I had already completed my two for that assignment), I knew I’d want to read your 16A post. This assignment was by far the most positive learning experience for me. It was so encouraging to hear the positive things that those closest to me see in me; I hope you found the same in your experience.

    Your self-assessment and outside feedback appear to be in alignment: you are others’ focused, a positive encourager, and have a standard of excellence in whatever you do. These are all noble qualities and will serve you well in both your career and personal life. Anyone can do a job, make a product, etc., but it takes a special person to impact lives for the better. Congratulations on being in the latter group!


  2. Salena,
    I think all of the qualities you described, and your friends comments about yourself are all great things to be proud of. Making the best out of worst situations is always the way to go in life to keep moving forward. Always being willing to help out others is one of my most valued characteristics of a person. I feel that whenever you are helped in life, no matter the scenario, you should always return the favor later on and never forget what they did for you. I strongly believe that when you serve to help others, they should try to help you back.

  3. Salena,

    When your veiw about yourself matches others' opinions about you, this means you have a good self-understanding of who you are. This is an accomplishment alone. The qualities you listed, especially problem solver, will help your entrepreneurship journey. Overall, this was a detailed and well-written post.
