Thursday, June 6, 2019

Assignment #8- Solving the Problem

The problem- Many people consider traveling with pets very difficult and stressful. Sometimes, a pet owner might choose not to travel simply because they do not have arrangements for their pets. It is not easy to fly with pets, as the animals themselves are most often forced to travel in the cargo section of the aircraft, separated from the owner. This is why people choose not to travel or to travel by other means of transportation that is more accommodating to their pets.

The solution- My solution to this problem would be offering travelers the opportunity to fly with their pets comfortably in the cabin. At first, I considered proposing an airline that strictly carried passengers and their pets. But after my initial post about the problem, I found that this would be extremely difficult due to the already existent market and many of the FAA laws and regulations. Instead, I am proposing having a section of a given airline, much like first class, that would have bench like seats to accommodate both passengers and their pets. Of course, an airline would have to bite off on a contract and possibly re-rig several aircraft to make this accommodation. Also, owners would have to show proof that the animal is safe and healthy enough to fly. This additional section would not affect people seated in the regular cabin, and all passengers would be notified when booking that there would be pets on board the aircraft.

The service- I feel that my solution would be a service only and not really a product because airlines generally provide service to their customers. Customers would purchase a ticket at a slightly higher fare to allow them to sit in the designated pet area. The option would be presented much like first class tickets on any given airline. Passengers that buy economy seating would also be advised of the animals in the cabin and all conditions of the flight.


  1. Hi Salena,

    If pets are small enough, they can stay with the passenger and be stowed away under the seat (in their carrier) in front of them during take off and landing. I think you have a good idea for larger dogs, though. A separate section like you said would also be good incase some people have allergies and it could just include all sizes of dogs. To make it easier for passengers to travel with pets, maybe airlines could also have a separate security line for those passengers?

  2. Selena,

    I couldn't agree more and it even hits home for me. My grandmother who is 82 loves to travel to see her friends who live all over the world but she is very attached to her dog and brings him everywhere she goes. She finds it very difficult to fly with him because he is to big to bring on the plane. Thus, forcing her to drive wherever she travels. As her grandson, it bothers me that she has to drive long trips. This product could solve her problem entirely.
