Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Assignment #15- Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 2

During my interviews, I offered the following alternatives to flying with pets.
a. Don't travel at all.
b. Choose alternative means of travel.
c. Make other arrangements for pets.
I found that the most important factor in the military segment was convenience. Sometimes people are forced to travel with very short notice, so it is a hassle trying to make alternative arrangements. Price was not really a big deal when discussing alternatives, as passengers can already pay a fee to fly their pet along with them in the cabin. It was more the conditions in which the pet would travel. All of my interviewees agreed that it would be the least hassle to be able to fly with a pet comfortably.

How/Where to Buy-
The segment would most likely buy online, as most travel arrangements are made online these days. The airline would have to have notice of pets traveling also, so they could get a head count and cap the total number of pets to ensure everyone fit comfortably in the plane. Everyone that I interviewed said that they usually put airline tickets on a card of some sort, as the purchase is made online. Some people also had a specific credit card that they used for travel, since the card had good benefits. Others simply used their debit card instead, which is basically cash.

Post-Purchase Evaluation- 
What matters most to the potential customers is the overall travel experience. They already had airline preferences for many reasons including travel miles and reliability. If the plane was on time and there were no issues, my interviews all agreed that that is what influenced them in choosing an airline for their next trip.  They would consider their decision a bad idea if their flights were delayed or they had bad customer service. I personally also have preferences due to these factors that hugely impact traveling in general.

I interviewed 3 more co-workers with pets. I asked a similar series of questions and asked them to describe the steps of planning a trip. From there I asked if they would consider the alternatives listed above, and why or why not. I described how I would offer my service in terms of payment and terms. I then asked how my idea could be the most convenient option over the other alternatives.

In terms of the military segment, it is apparent that alternatives do exist and weigh heavy on customer's decisions. Because this issue already exists, people have arrangements that they feel comfortable using instead of flying with their pet. Ultimately, it would come down to the most convenient option. And of course, one bad experience on an airline with a pet would taint the entire post-purchase evaluation. However, a great travel experience would most likely make the customer return for services again. I find that military members are more willing to flex on plans simply because we travel so often. However, spouses and family might have a different evaluation process.


  1. Salena,

    In reading your buyer behavior, part 2 post it dawned on me that I’m not clear about one aspect: would this “pet boarding during flights with their owners” service be on ALL major airlines, or a separate, new airline specifically dedicated as a pet-friendly airline? I think you were pursuing adding this feature to existing airlines, correct? I think you are right that many people prefer to stick with certain airlines, whether for travel rewards or due to convenience, since different airlines have different target markets/flight paths.


    1. I also meant to add that I like how you outline your thoughts in such an organized way. Your bolded headers and different sections make it very easy to follow your posts. (I think I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to comment again that this is a strength of yours, how you organize your thoughts/posts.)

  2. Hi Salena!

    Looks like you chose good people to interview, they gave you some great feedback. I agree that convenience is the most important factor when making this kind of decision since you already have to pay to have your dog with you in the cabin. Making the process and purchase easier makes the experience more pleasurable.

  3. Salena,

    I too don't 100% understand what they are buying, is it certain sections dedicated to allow pet owners to travel with their pets with out putting them in the cabin? Or is it more of a separate airline that can be used? Either way pets are an important part of people's families and they want to treat them as such, so convience and the experience would definitely effect. Post purchase.

  4. Hey Salena,
    I find your post clear and well organized. I agree that convenience and comfort are the most important factors to your segment, but have you thought about ways to avoid bad travel experiences while flying with pets? Since your segment is so specific and its members are likely to often interact with each other, word of mouth plays an important role in picking the most convenient alternative, so I think it’s important that you analyze all the factors that could bring to a bad travel experience and also the possible weaknesses of your project.
