Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Assignment #14- Halfway Reflection

1. I have used several behaviors in order to keep up with this class. The first and perhaps most important is time management. Working full time on active duty in the navy, I find myself setting aside dedicated time to watch the lectures and do my blog posts. Anyone that has served knows the motto- you make plans, the navy laughs. It is definitely very difficult to plan around such a busy schedule, so I usually set aside a few hours over the weekend when I don't even have to think about work. In addition, I have also learned to multi-task as well. I usually have the lectures playing while I am working on blog posts or doing things around the house. I have made the lectures my own personal "podcast." I actually really enjoy listening to them!

2. I have definitely felt like giving up one particular time this semester. I had to work late every day and on top of that I had an issue with my air conditioner in my house. Everyone knows that Florida is hot and air conditioning is a must. It was a very stressful week and I just couldn't seem to catch a break. What pulled me through was remembering why I started going back to school in the first place. I have set a goal for myself, and I knew that if I gave up, I would feel even worse than that week did. The struggle was only temporary. I do feel like I developed a tenacious attitude during the past two months. I think the experience that has caused this is the feedback portion of this class. I am usually very shy when it comes to sharing my work, but I now find myself waiting too see people's responses. Being able to branch out has built my confidence in a way, and now makes me more tenacious.

3. a. Be confident. Don't fear how classmates are going to respond to your posts. Instead, use it as an opportunity to branch out. Chances are, you are not the only one with a great thought.
    b. Plan ahead. Make sure you know what assignments are due at the end of each week so you can plan accordingly, Waiting until the last minute really takes away from the overall experience of the class.
   c. Take the time to reflect on feedback. You can either rule out or solidify an idea based on feedback. Before you even publish your post, you are already talking to people and getting opinions. Your classmates can than construct your post even further. Its a two step process that works!

I decided to include one of my favorite quotes to conclude this reflection - Enjoy!


  1. Salena,

    I already commented on two posts for 14A and read yours by mistake. 😊 However, I’m glad I did, because I really relate with what you shared. You brought up a good point about taking the time to reflect on feedback—I think this is true for both our interview processes as well as our peer reviews on our blogs. I especially love the image/verse you posted. I’m glad this course has been such a positive experience for you. It has been for me, as well. It’s a very effective format for learning and growing as a person in ways that will benefit us for years to come.


  2. Hi Salena! Using the lectures as a type of podcast is genius and also really efficient. I agree that it can be hard to balance this class with other things and sometimes it can be hard to complete the blogposts. One thing that helps me is hundred point system. I like seeing the number go up.

  3. Hi Salena,

    That’s admirable you are able to balance a heavy load with your job. I don’t think it ever ends in entrepreneurship. I agree that our classmates are able to construct our posts better than us. I find its easier for me to identify parts that may not work or offer suggestions when its someone else’s work. To me, our work is very personal, so I understand what you mean when you’re hesitant to share your work for feedback.
