The Segment: military members
The Interviews:
#1-Navy reserve pilot, commercial airline pilot, pet owner
- It was evident that he definitely shared the same need that I did. Being a pilot, he has heard too many horror stories that of pets traveling in the cargo section of the aircraft. He said he would never put this dog through that high stress environment and would rather drive to his destination if his pet had to come along.
- In terms of information search, he did not do much because he knew the conditions of traveling with pets on an airline because of his work. However, he did mention looking into kennels to make arrangements or driving depending on the situation. In this particular case, there was not much of search but rather considering alternative solutions.
- She did not necessarily share the exact same need because she only traveled in the Florida area. Most of her family lives here so driving with the dogs was not a huge issue. However, she did say that she would consider traveling more is this opportunity existed.
- For information search, she did mention that she had looked into flying her animals on American Airlines once before, but was not comfortable with the idea of her dogs in the cargo section. That stopped her from ever looking for more information in the future.
- He was very enthusiastic about the idea. Being single, he has the flexibility to travel on his own terms. Much like myself, he never liked leaving his dog behind. He also mentioned that members changing duty stations would love this idea, especially if they were going overseas.
- Again, information search never really existed. Instead it was alternative options of where to board his dog. However, he believes that this would be a big item across the military and many people would be interested in using the service.
ReplyDeleteThe way you organized and arranged the data collected from your interviews was easy to read and understand. I would have liked to see the other interviews broken down like the other 3, it would have let me understand the perspective of the different individuals bettter. Also in the conclusion I would have dove deeper into the findings but overall I understood the results from your findings.
Hey Salena,
ReplyDeleteI think it was brilliant to pick military members as your target segment. I agree that they would start looking for information if comfortable alternatives to travel with pets existed and they would find your service appealing, but that it could be further segmented. Have you should taken into consideration how the airline companies would be involved in the development of your project? Also, I think the organization and formatting of your interviews was excellence and made it really easy to understand.
ReplyDeleteI think you have a very wanted service to offer to people. I never have thought about this issue before since I haven't traveled much myself. I can really see this being an issue though and a solution for it would make lives for people and their pets so much easier.
ReplyDeleteI like that you reached out to a professional in the field about what he thought because he’s witnessed or heard firsthand how uncomfortable it can be for a dog to travel. Because small dogs can stay with their owner, have you thought about how whether this idea would include all dogs, or just large dogs? Would it cost more or less than first class?