Friday, June 7, 2019

Assignment #9- Testing the Hypothesis Part 2

The Opportunity: A "pet friendly" section of the cabin on commercial airlines.
The Interviews:I conducted interviews with 5 people who had varying lifestyles. My reasoning behind choosing people to interview was to survey other reasons why people don't travel on airlines. For example, I interviewed one of my friends who is a single mother but also a pet owner. She chooses not to fly because her daughter is too young, and could not even imagine trying to take her dog along also. A co-worker of mine also brought up the fact that some people have a fear of flying, and would rather drive to their destination. His wife refuses to get onto an airplane, and that significantly limits their travel options. Two other people that I interviewed were very excited about the idea of flying with their pets. They believed that their dogs were well behaved enough to fly on a shorter flight. My final interview was also very interesting. This person had a fear of dogs, due to an incident that occurred when she was younger. She said she would not feel comfortable boarding an aircraft that had a pet friendly section, even if she wasn't near them in the cabin.
Who: People who do not care to fly or have a fear of flying fall outside my previously set boundaries. Also, single parents with young children or larger families would find alternative means of travel. The simply do not have the need, nor want, to consider flying. It would be very expensive for a large family to travel by air as well, even with a pet.
What: The need to travel with a pet differs when convenience or comfortability is out of the question. When traveling, everyone has their own preferences. Getting kennel care might be the easier option for pet owners.
Why: Not everyone has a need to travel. A person who would not consider flying with their pet most likely has more time and flexibility to get somewhere. The "outsiders" have a bigger stressor to deal with when traveling. Those inside the boundary most likely have to travel often and would much rather bring their pet with them instead of leaving them behind.

                           Inside Boundary                                                        Outside  Boundary 

  1. Who ?  frequent travelers, pet owners                     single parents, non-pet owners, non-flyers
  2. What?  convenient, comfortable travel with pet     cheaper, easier, less stressful travel
  3. Why?   pet owners want to travel with pets             other travel methods, not traveling at all


  1. Salena,
    It looks like you had some productive interviews. Sometimes it is discouraging when we come across barriers to our ideas, but I think it can help narrow our focus. Regarding the single mother, I don’t think that you should base your entire thought process on just one single mother’s view. In all cases, I think it could be beneficial to canvas a larger sample group in a case like that.

    Your chart was well laid out and logical.


  2. Hey Salena, I found your chart very clear and well organized. It's also interesting how your interviews brought up a very important point, that is there are some people who are scared of pets and wouldn't feel comfortable flying with them. I think this point could be a bit ambiguous because these people could be the owner of a certain kind of pet and therefore would be interested in this service, but at the same time they could be afraid of another kind of pet. So I think it could be interesting to further develop this point.
