Friday, July 19, 2019

Assignment #24- Venture Concept No.1 "Companion Cabin"

Opportunity. Pet owners and military members alike share the need to travel with their pets for work and/or travel. Convenience is the force in the travel environment that creates this opportunity. This market spans across the world, as service members are stationed both in the states and abroad. Customers currently find alternative solutions, such as pet boarding, to satisfy this need. There is room for their loyalty to shift elsewhere. This opportunity can change commercial aviation. The window of opportunity is indefinite.
Innovation. The innovative piece of my service would be creating something that has never existed before. Instead of putting your beloved pet below in the cargo section, they would travel right beside you. In order to make money, I would charge a price that is reasonable and similar to what airlines charge now to fly a pet. The experience would be attractive because owners would not have to worry about their pets flying alone. I believe that they would be willing to pay for ease of mind and convenience.
Venture Concept. Right now, customers are torn between leaving their pets behind while traveling, finding care for their pets, or not traveling at all. I think that allowing pets to travel in the cabin of commercial airlines will solve this problem and provide a huge convenience factor. I think that this would be a very attractive alternative to finding other care for pets while traveling. Competitors would be pet boarding services. I would create an airline that specifically specializes in transporting pets along with their owners comfortably. It would have the same structure of any given commercial airline.
The Three Minor Elements
1.      My most important resource would be my network base. My career in naval aviation has provided me a great foundation in the field. I know numerous pilots and managers who work for airline companies. They can  provide me with information needed to get my foot in the door and support me along the way.
2.      The next opportunity would be getting my idea out there and well known. I do believe customers would chose my service over alternatives, if it was available.
3.      In five years, I would hope to be established and changing the aviation community. If I am still in the military, this venture would be very difficult to maintain realistically.

1 comment:

  1. Salena,

    I like the name you've given your concept, "Companion Cabin." That has a nice ring to it, and there is also a positive connotation with the word companion!

    As usual, you have so neatly laid out your post to cover exactly what was asked of us for this assignment. The one area that I would encourage you to explore further would be the actual costs. I think it would be helpful to post what current costs are, and estimate what you would charge and how you would arrive at your profit.

    Otherwise, this was great!
