Friday, July 12, 2019

Assignment #21- Reading Reflection No. 2

The book that I chose to read was Mindset by Carol S. Dweck.

1. The general theme of the book was how an individual's mindset affects all aspects of his or her life including relationships, school and business. Dr. Dweck suggests that 2 types of mindsets exists- fixed and growth. A person with a fixed mindset accepts things for what they are instead of questioning circumstances. A person with a growth mindset instead explores why things are the way they are and how to change circumstances.

2. This booked enhanced what we are learning in the class and exemplifies the exact type of mental strength it takes to be a successful entrepreneur. Specifically in the business chapter, the book gave examples of well known business people such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Dr. Dweck dove deep into all the personal aspects of each persons life and pointed out specifically what make these people stand out from the others. In addition, she gave examples of exactly where other entrepreneurs had failed and why. Everything revolved around mindset and the willingness to grow or learn.

3. My exercise for a class would begin with breaking into small groups. Then, different situations would be presented and students would be asked to respond to 2 options. Each option would correspond to either the growth or fixed mindset. Students would then compare their responses and discuss their reasoning. In the book, Dr. Dweck would ask a series of questions after each chapter and allowed the reader to compare themselves to either mindset. This exercise would do the same, and make students aware of their mental mindset and how it affects them.

4. My biggest surprise when reading the book was what mindset I identified with. I considered all the events in my past, and pieced together why I ended up where I am in life today. In terms of mindset, I was definitely living with a fixed mindset while growing up and I believe that it directly has to do with the way my parents raised me. They always put undue stress on me in both school and sports. Now that I am older, I have learned how big of a setback living with a fixed mindset is. This book motivated me to strive for a growth mindset in all aspects of life. The book did not really differ from my expectations. After I read the description, I was immediately interested. It was a great read and a true upper. This book inspired me to be better all around and I learned alot.


  1. Hey Salena,

    I like your review of the book; it makes me wish I would have chosen this one! I like the exercise you chose, too. It would be stimulating and force students to respond immediately. Responding and thinking quickly is a must in this field. It sounds like the author was ultimately saying that those who question circumstances are ones that see a problem and try to solve it.

  2. Salena,

    I enjoyed the group activity that you presented and feel that would be a beneficial drill for entrepreneur students to practice. I think its interesting how much our mindsets influence our everyday lives, this books seems like a definite read. I like how you identified your own mindset and are using the things you learned about yourself to try and improve your mindset in order to excel in aspects of your life.
