Friday, May 24, 2019

Assignment #2: Bug List

Below is a list of things that bug me-

1. Sitting in traffic every day after leaving work
Why? Everyone gets off at the same time and there are only 2 lanes of traffic leading to the highway

2. Slow walkers in busy, crowded places
Why? People are easily distracted or are not efficient at multi-tasking (i.e. walking and talking)

3. Neighbors that mow their lawn in the early morning on a weekend
Why? It is often much cooler in the morning, which makes the job a little easier and people like to get chores done before enjoying time off

4. When people send their food back at a restaurant
Why? The order is sometimes incorrect and customers are not willing to pay for errors

5. Paying for cover charges at bars during the busiest times
Why? Establishments want to make sure they are making money from every single customer, whether they are buying drinks or not

6.  Telemarketer phone calls
Why? Companies get phone numbers from public records and seek to promote their services

7. Long red lights
Why? Traffic lights aren't always timed or in sync to effectively control traffic

8. People on the phone at the gym while using a machine during the busiest hours
Why? People get distracted by their cell phones all the time or need a break from their workout

9. Slow internet connection 
Why? Connectivity varies throughout the day, depending on location and how many users are on the network

10. People who lick their fingers after eating
Why? Some people believe that its a shortcut to washing their hands

11. Loud Televisions
Why? Viewers are so into what they are watching and don't realize the excessive volume

12.  When the ice cream machine at McDonald's is broken when you want it most
Why? I can only assume technical difficulties on this one

13. People parking too close in a parking lot
Why? Some of the spaces are really small and drivers underestimate the size of their vehicles or have difficulty parking in general

14. Being interrupted when talking
Why? Not everyone is aware of their surroundings at all times or lack manners

15. When people don't return their shopping cart at the grocery store
Why? People could be in a rush, too lazy to return it, or assume someone will do it for them

16. When dog owners don't pick up after their dog
Why? Owners don't carry bags all the time or expect their pet to go

17. Being honked at for no apparent reason
Why? Other drivers feel that you are in the wrong or that their driving skills are superior

18. Low phone battery
Why? Phone battery life deteriorates over time when you use and charge it often

19. Excessive amounts of cologne or perfume
Why? Everyone has different levels of sensitivity to certain smells, or are unaware of how strong the scent actually is

20. When drivers block intersections during rush hour trying to get through a light
Why? People think that getting through an intersection is more important than obstructing the flow of traffic and potentially put their vehicles in an unsafe position instead of waiting for another light cycle.

Reflection: This exercise was surprisingly rather difficult for me in the beginning. It is really easy to come up with things that bug me, but hard to identify why they exist. I am a very particular person, so there are many things throughout the day that bug me. But I found that they bugged me due to personal preference. However, there were several things that existed due to external forces and society. Towards the end of the list, I started shifting towards more of a self evaluation and started to question my own judgement. Overall, this assignment was a very eye-opening experience, as we continue to ask why the problem exists in the first place.


  1. Hey Salena! Your bug list was super relatable and I'm personally guilty of committing a few of these. I think what was especially cool about this assignment is the amount of reflection involved. I also had a mix of socially constructed and self created problems. I'd take it as a sign of a multifaceted lifestyle which is good. Being honked at for no reason is a pretty big problem in places like New York.

  2. Salena,

    I can relate to a lot of your bug list, especially when you brought up the parking spots, I brought up this issue and decided that parking spaces were not wide enough for people to properly park and have enough space. One thing that I can maybe talk about to give a perspective is the lawn care in the early mornings, in many cases when you here people mowing lawns early it is a company that is cutting, they have to start relatively early to be able to work and be home by a certain time.
